Boolean Function
A Boolean function is an expression formed with binary variables , the two binary operators OR and AND, the unary operator NOT, brackets and equal sign.
Example ; F= A'.B+A.B'
Universal Gate
The NAND and NOR Gates are universal gate because they are sufficient to implement any Boolean function and can be combine to form any other gate logic gates like OR and NOR AND gates etc.
NAND Gate as universal gate; NOR Gate as universal gate; which both diagram are given below:
A Boolean function is an expression formed with binary variables , the two binary operators OR and AND, the unary operator NOT, brackets and equal sign.
Example ; F= A'.B+A.B'
Universal Gate
The NAND and NOR Gates are universal gate because they are sufficient to implement any Boolean function and can be combine to form any other gate logic gates like OR and NOR AND gates etc.
NAND Gate as universal gate; NOR Gate as universal gate; which both diagram are given below:

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