On the basis of size of computer, it can be classified as given below;
The Micro computer is the smallest computer system. The size of computer ranges from the size of calculator to the size of desktop computer. But it can perform the same operation and used the same type of instruction as any other computer even then it is small than the others. IT is commonly used in offices, homes, schools etc. Micro computer are also referred to as personal computer, Desktop computer, Home computer or Laptops etc. for example; IBM PC, IBM AT(Advanced Technology).
The Mini computer is medium in size i.e. it is also general purposed computer but unlike Micro computer. It serves the multiple uses i.e. many user can work at the same time with the single mini computers to performs data processing, programming, designing and other jobs. Mini computers are used in Government Offices, University, Banks, Industries, Hotels etc. for example; P 3000.
Mainframe Computer are larger than Mini computer but it is smaller than Super computer. In the comparing with the Mini computer, Mainframe computer have faster processing speed and greater storage capacity and Mini computers are also multi-user system therefore more than 100 users can work at the same time with one Mainframe computer. That's why, they are used in the hotels, industries, banks, airlines, etc. for example; IBM 240.
- Super Computer

Super Computer are the largest, fastest and most expensive special purpose computer in the world. They are designed to process scientific jobs like either for costing scientific research or other especial purposes, for example; CRAY
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